Privacy Policy

To the intents and purposes of the Organic Law 15/1999, dated December 13th., on Personal Data Protection, Creaction! informs about the existence of a personal data base created by and under the responsibility of Creaction!. The data has been obtained in, which is properly inscribed in the Spanish Agency of Data Protection. 

Being conscious about the privacy and intimacy of its users, Creaction! has adapted the site to protect the data of its users, according to the profiles of its travelers and guides and according to their characteristics and purposes.  

• Travelers: Those users who are about to go on “the journey” that will determine their innovative ability. The only data that will be stored will be their profile and contact information (name, last name, picture) and everything that the user might have shared in the common area with the other travelers who are doing the trip in their same group. The generated information in their trip will be stored confidentially and will only be available to the travelers, and will only be available to the other users as information for statistics and dissociated, except whatever is public or has been communicated and shared with both the hosts and the guides.
• Guide: Users that have already made a trip and manage the trip for their “travelers” will not, under any circumstance, have access to the confidential information of the travelers. They just have the duty of overseeing the travelers’ situation and the role of an aid. The guide is the person who proposes and invites the travelers to start this journey, but it’s up to each traveler to either accept or reject such invitation, as well as include their personal data when accepting this invitation. It is responsibility of the guide to have the explicit permission of the users before sending the invitation, as well as commit themselves to keep the confidentiality of the information to which they might have access because of their role as guide. 

Creaction is committed to the use of the information included in the file, to respect its confidentiality and in using it according to the objective of the file described previously. Creaction has adapted its security measures imposed by the Royal Decree 1720/2007, on December 21st., by which the regulation that the Organic Law 15/1999 approves of is developed, to avoid the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access to the information. 

In compliance with the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, the clients and users of Creaction can, at any given time, make use of their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition over their personal information at: Innovandis — Universidad de Deusto, Av. de las Universidades 24, 48007 Bilbao. 

In case Creaction has any presence in social networks, you’re informed that, in compliance with the provisions of the terms of use and privacy policy of social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+, the act of clicking the “like”, “follow”, or “connect” buttons of these networks, gives Creaction permission to have access to the information of its followers, post news in their feed and send messages. Those responsible of Creaction, will not, under any circumstance, use this information for any other purpose than the mentioned previously. In every moment, the user may stop following Creaction by just clicking the “dislike”, “unfollow”, and “delete contact” buttons in each social network, as well as exercise, in this case, the rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition in the established address to that effect. 

In any case, it will be the user the sole responsible of the false or inaccurate demonstrations they make and of the damages they might cause Creaction or any other third party due to the information they provide. Additionally, in case that personal information from any third party is included in the platform, it is responsibility of the user to previously inform the third party and get their consent in compliance to the current privacy policy.