The journey

Generally, when we talk about Entrepreneurs, we relate this term to technology geeks, business, marketing and finances. Timmons (2000) states that entrepreneurs have the ability to create and build something with practically anything. It means start, do, achieve and build. It consists on the ability to identify opportunities where others only see chaos, contradictions and confusion. For that, a specific profile is required. And we are lucky to say that this profile can be trained and that everybody can act in a entrepreneurial way, without any exception.

CREACTION! is an online training platform designed by iNNoVaNDiS Team from Deusto University to foster entrepreneurial skills. It is offered for people older than 18 years old, (university students and professionals that want to improve their entrepreneurial skills) or school students lead by their teachers.

This approach ends in a JOURNEY. A journey through five different places where you will discover new realities and rediscover and better know yourself. A journey to find out which are your entrepreneurial skills. A journey through REFLEXIA, INSPIRIA, INNOVANIA, OPORTUNIA and FUTURICA. 

The journey is designed to be done individually after receiving an invitation from the GUIDE. This person may have invited a group of people at the same time (who share a university class, or working teams in organizations). After receiving the invitation, each person can decide to take part in the journey or not, becoming if so in a TRAVELER. Finally, in each of the five places, travelers will find the HOSTS, who will make them do different activities (called Creactions). 

To meassure the impact of the journey in a person, each TRAVELER will complete a questionnaire, before and after the journey. Comparing the results, they will find out how much have some aspects of themselves changed. These are the main aspects: self-esteem, risk taking capacity, locus of control, innovation capacity and achievement orientation. 

And like in any other journey, the amount of enjoyament and advantege taken depends on the traveler. 

The journey is based on the research and educational experimentation that iNNoVaNDiS Team has been carrying out since 2005. 


Ibáñez, A.; San Sebastián,P.; Fernández,I.; Marigil,O. & Iglesias,A. (2013) “La emoción de emprender desde la Universidad: La Universidad como vivero de personas emprendedoras". SBN eBook en PDF: 978-84-686-5022-7 y ISBN Acabado en rústica: 978-84-686-5021-0

Ibáñez,A. (2002): “Actitudes Emprendedoras de los Estudiantes Universitarios: Medición y Propuestas de Actuación”. Ediciones Mensajero, Bilbao. ISBN: 84-271-2489-9

Ibáñez, A.; San Sebastián,P.; Fernández,I.; Marigil,O. & Iglesias,A. (2011): “Are there gender differences in students’ entrepreneurial profile?” en Nandram,S. & Poppen,H. eds. Entrepreneurship Special on Training and Education, Arhem, HAN Press, pp. 155-166

Ibáñez,A. (2008): “iNNoVaNDiS: developing innovation & entrepreneurship” en Ingle,S. & Neuvonen-Rauhala,M.L. eds. Promoting Entrepreneurship by Universities.The Proceedings of the 2nd International FINPIN 2008 Conference, Hämeenlinna, The publication series of Lahti University of Applied Sciences, pp. 223-228

Ibáñez,A.; San Sebastián,P.; Marigil,O.; Fernández,I. & Iglesias,A. (2010): “When You Train Enterprising Entrepreneurial Attitudes Increase” in Neuvonen-Rauhala,M.L. eds. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Universites.The Proceedings of the 3rd International FINPIN 2010 Conference, Joensuu, The publication series of Lahti University of Applied Sciences, pp. 102-109

Ibáñez (2013): “How Orientation, Supervision & Coaching Can Help in Entrepreneurial Education” en Gil,E. eds. Emprendimiento Social y Educativo: Nuevos Tiempos, Nuevos Retos, Madrid, Asociación Científica de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa (ACEDE), pp. 166-180